Price Ratings
- Why did we choose to show the last 3 accepted deals' prices?
- Why do the price recommendations keep changing to higher or lower prices?
- I am a Seller, why won't the lowest prices listings show up at the top of search results when a buyer sorts by Recommended?
- I am a Buyer, why won't the lowest prices listings show up at the top of search results when I sort by Recommended?
- Why don’t I see price recommendations for some locations or for some listings?
- Why are my prices labeled as too high?
Cancellation Policy
Trading FAQ
- How much is the cancellation fee?
- When will the payout of a Pick-up Trading deal be issued to the Seller?
- How can I request customer support in a Trading deal?
- How can I decline (cancel) a Trading deal during the Negotiation stage?
- How can I create an Instant Sales offer?
- How does “Recommended” sorting work on Trading·Search?
Trading Deals (Pick-up)
- Where can I find the release of a trading deal? (Release section)
- What happens during the Negotiation Stage of a Trading deal?
- What happens during the Pick-up Stage of a Trading deal?
- What happens during the Release Stage of a Trading deal?
- Terms for "Instant Sales Offers"
- What happens during the Payment Stage of a Trading deal?
Trading Deals (Gate-buy)
- What happens during the drop off stage of a gate buy trading deal?
- What happens during the Reference Stage of a Gate buy Trading deal?
- I (Buyer) want to provide a Drop-off Reference, how can I do this?
- I have received the containers in my Gate-buy deal in a damaged condition, can I get compensation?
- When should I pay for my gate-buy deal?
- When should I (seller) deliver units to the buyer?
Payments & Credit
- Can I split my Trading invoice?
- Is the payment handling fee refundable in Trading deals?
- Can I change my payment method in Trading deals?
- When will the seller receive the payment of a Trading deal (pick up and gate buy)?
- Where can I find the invoice of a trading deal? (Invoices section)
- Can I make a single payment for multiple invoices? Can I pay for a specific trading deal?