How do xChange invoices work?

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In this article, you will find out how to access, visualize, and understand all xChange Invoices issued to your company.

Where to find xChange Invoices?

*Please note all xChange invoices are in USD currency.

How to download xChange Invoices?

  • Invoices can be downloaded in PDF file format.
  • Transactions related to the Invoices can be downloaded in XLS file format.
  • You can download both Invoices and Transactions as shown below ⬇️

    *You can download the Invoices in both PDF and XLS format.

Understanding xChange Invoices

The invoice consists of 3 main components - an Invoice Summary, a Transaction details section, and an Appendix section.

  • Invoice Summary
    At the top, we have the number of the invoice and the date of issuance. Next to it, we have the Customer’s company details, xChange company details, and Payment details.
    invoice summary.png

  • Further down, xChange lays out the charges of the xChange services and the Platform transactions in 2 separate tables.

  • In each table, we provide the details of the charges based on different categories.

    invoice categories.png

  • Transaction Details
    This section of the invoice has a list of all transactions that are part of the summary page. It gives a detailed list of transactions for each category that is part of the invoice.

    In each of the detail pages, you will notice the Invoice details and your company details at the top.


  • Appendix
    In the appendix, we provide the details of the partner company such as Company Name, Billing Address, and VAT ID (if applicable).

CONTAINER 4 copy.png

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