Can I create a Leasing Direct Deal with partners who are not on the xChange platform?

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Yes, it is possible to create direct deals with partners who are not on the xChange platform. This is an incredible benefit as you can conveniently move offline business onto the xChange platform. This means that you can have the ease of mind of easily monitoring your business and containers.

Not only this, but unlike standard leasing deals, you do not require two-way acceptance from your partner to monitor your containers on Direct Deals.  Therefore, you can enjoy the benefits of xChange for your offline businesses.

To create a Leasing Direct Deal with members who are not members of xChange, simply click ‘Create direct negotiation’ you should then select the ‘Non xChange partner’ as shown below:


Since you do not require your partner's approval, it is important to note that it is not possible for Payment Handling to be enabled.

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