What is the Payment Handling fee of Leasing and Trading deals?

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What is the Payment Handling Fee?

xChange Payment Handling is available for all your xChange transactions, it is a guarantee for all credits which you may receive.

What is the payment handling fee for Leasing deals?

In Leasing Deals, Payment Handling refers to the fee for our service of monitoring all payment transactions related to the leasing deal, including streamlining your invoicing process and reducing coordination efforts to pay or get paid when dealing with several partners at the same time. Leasing Payment Handling charge rate is 3.85%

In addition, pickup fees and per diems are automatically credited to your wallet once the containers are picked up or the free days are over. 



What is the payment handling fee for Trading deals?

In Trading Deals the Payment Handling Fee is an additional service that can be selected in the deal, it is a service fee.

This provides a 7-day protection to inspect and then accept the containers purchased. The payout to the seller would be as follows:

  • For Pick-Up Deals: Payment will be completed to the seller 7 (seven) days after the pick-up release has been uploaded on the trading platform. 
  • For Gate-Buy Deals: Payment will be completed to the seller 7 (seven) days after the drop-off date of the last container of the trading deal.

According to the Trading Payment Handling Terms and Conditions

  • xChange charges a Payment Handling Fee for its handling of invoicing and payments between The Buyer and The Seller:
  • For the Sale Price, a Payment Handling Fee of 1.95% applies, payable by The Buyer. 
  • For all other credits and charges, a Payment Handling Fee of 3.85% applies, payable by the receiving party. 

The reason for this service fee is that we credit funds to the wallet daily, even before or without recovering the payment from the counterpart, taking over the effort of payment collection and the risk of late or no payment at all by the counterpart.

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