SCLA | The Supplier of a Leasing Deal is requesting a Cancellation, which requirements need to be met?

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According to the xChange Standard Container Leasing Agreement, sub-clause 12 (b):

(b) The Supplier may cancel the contract or pieces of Equipment if The User does not fulfill a Main Obligation of Sub-clause 12 (c) which is due, or does not render it in conformity with the contract.


What does Sub-clause 12 (c) cover? 

If the User does not meet the Main Obligations as described below, this will automatically allow the Supplier's cancellation request:

    1. The user should Pick up the Pieces of Equipment within a 14 (fourteen) day deadline given by The Supplier.
      • The deadline can only be given by The Supplier in writing and after a valid release reference has been provided and if the Free Storage Period of that reference has ended.
      • If The User seriously and definitely refuses to complete the pick-up, the pieces of Equipment are canceled  (with no need to set another deadline).


Where can I request a cancellation?

Cancellations and deadlines have to be communicated in writing on The Leasing Platform's chat by informing the deal's partner and customer support. You can inform support by simply typing @ and then clicking on the Support option from the drop-down menu.



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