Insurance Exclusions

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1. In Both Insurance Plans the Insurance Provider shall in no case be liable for loss and/or damage caused by...

  • Faulty design of the container or tank container
  • Manufacturing or defects in materials in individual parts. Loss and/or damage caused thereby to other parts shall remain insured.
  • The nature of the cargo of the container or tank container unless the loss and/or damage has been occasioned by an accident with the conveyance or by stranding; if this can be proven

2. In Both Insurance Plans, the Insurance Provider is not liable for...

  • Ordinary wear & tear, scratching, chipping of paint, gradual warping, or ordinary use based on the standard of the repair agreed (for sections 1 and 2) and on the ITCO tank standard (for section 3)
  • Any pre-existing damage, other than new impact damage
  • All cleaning activities including but not limited to steam cleaning, chemical cleaning, contamination & damage due to cargo spillage as well as costs for cleaning certificates

3. In Both Insurance Plans, the Insurance Provider is not liable for loss and/or damage in cases of...

  • In case of insolvency or fraud by one of the contracting parties.
  • in case of indirect loss and/or damage of all kinds or losses from/for previous voyages.

4. In Both Insurance Plans, the Insurance Provider is not providing Insurance coverage in case of...

  • War and warlike events on land as well as confiscation due to the war exclusion clause.
    • Therefore, all claims in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine are suspended until further notice. The full list of exclusions is available here.

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