Trusted Seller Badge

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What is a Trusted Seller?

Trusted sellers have a great track record of selling containers on xChange. Their units are as promised, releases are provided on time, and they provide a high service level to their buyers if any problem arises. Every trusted seller will receive a badge, that is shown next to their company profile on their listings or in a deal. Badges are given to companies who newly earned them (or taken away if they showed bad performance) on the 1st of every month.

What do I have to do to become a Trusted Seller?

To become a Trusted Seller xChange members must fulfill the below criteria:
  • Must have Sold 100+ containers in the last 3 months
  • Have 10+ deals transacted: Trusted Sellers have completed at least 10 transactions on the platform
  • Have at least 8 sales offers actively posted on xChange
  • <5% cancellation rate: Trusted Sellers cancel less than 5% of their accepted trading deals
  • Show operational excellence (xChange recommendations):
    • Containers they are selling are of the promised quality
    • Provide correct releases in all their deals
    • Provide releases very quickly (on average less than 24h)

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