Where can I download an Excel file of my Containers?

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You can download an Excel file of your Containers in Leasing deals

  • To do this, go to the Containers tab right next to the chatbox ⬇️
    • This tab will reflect all the reported pick-up or drop-off data up to that point in the leasing deal.
  • Click on Export as Excel

You can also download this file through the Section in our Menu ➡️ Containers

  • Here you will be able to find all the container numbers reported on the platform.
  • You can easily find any specific container through the Search function, by entering:
    • Container number
    • Deal ID (Both Leasing or Trading deals!)
    • Location


Where can I download an Excel file of my Containers?

  • As you can see in the image above, this is where you can Export the container list with all the related data:
    • Pick-up dates and locations
    • Drop-off dates and locations


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