How can I book Tank Containers on xChange?

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Already a member on xChange:

If you are already a member on the xChange platform and have a tank requirement, or simply wish to enquire then you can register your interest directly with your account manager. Alternatively, you can email and express your tank requirement.

Not a member on xChange:

If you not a member yet, this is no problem, simply email stating your tank interest and a member of xChange will reach out to support you.

Do you have a specific requirement?

If so, please kindly provide the below (where possible) when notifying xChange of your tank needs:

  • Quantity of tanks needed
  • Type of tank (T11, T20 etc.)
  • Stretch (e.g. Ex-Hamburg to Shanghai)
  • Whether you want to use or supply tanks
  • Tank grade (chemicals or food)

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