How can I expedite the release of my Trading deal?

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  • If you are a buyer in urgent need of the release of your trading deal, and you paid through a bank transfer, this is the correct help center article for you. 

How can I submit my bank transfer receipt?

  1. First, you need to open the trading deal.
  2. If you have not selected the payment method (bank transfer) yet, you will be prompted to do so through the option Select Payment Method

  3. After you do, you will see the following image where you can upload your receipt through the button: 

  4. You will also see this option on the main Trading deal page:
    Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 12.39.17 PM.png
  5. You can upload the image by dragging and dropping, or browsing your files in the following formats (Max. 25 MB):
    • PDF preferred: If available, upload a PDF of your bank transfer receipt.
    • Photo of a paper receipt: Ensure the image is well-lit, clear, and shows the entire document without any blurriness.
    • Bank app screenshot: Make sure it’s high quality and includes all relevant details.

  6. Complete the process by clicking on Upload Files, and you will be taken back to the deal that will display the following confirmation message:download (1).png


What happens after I have submitted my bank transfer receipt?

  • The request to release the trading deal based on the bank transfer receipt will be assessed by the risk team. 
  • After the review is completed, you will receive an email with the final result:
    • Release by bank transfer receipt confirmed 
      • This means the trading deal will be moved to the release stage, and we will request the seller to provide the pick-up release reference. 

    • Release by bank transfer receipt rejected
      • In case of rejection, our team will provide more details in the email. 

  • If you have any questions or encounter any issues during the upload, please feel free to reach out to our customer support team by typing @ and then clicking on the Support option from the drop-down menu.




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