How is my Unit Limit calculated?

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The xChange Risk Team reviews your financial documents including the audited financial reports for the last 2 years and bank statements for the last 3 months to calculate your unit limit. In addition to the calculations derived from the provided financial documents, the below points are also taken into consideration to determine the unit limit:

  • Operational reliability includes but is not limited to how quickly the leased units are returned, number of returned units, references and ratings from xChange partners, etc.

  • Financial reliability includes but is not limited to average days outstanding, number of invoices outstanding, current wallet balance, etc. 


Who can I talk to if I have questions or concerns about the unit limits?

  • You can always reach out to the customer support team by simply typing @ in the leasing deal's chat and then selecting Support from the drop-down:

  • Or you can reach out to your account manager or our Risk team at:


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