How can I share a leasing deal?

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Who can I share the leasing deal with?

  • Platform users can invite external peers (colleagues, local agents, or depots) through a sharing link or by adding their email addresses through the steps described below. 
  • The roles and accesses are as follows:
    • Colleagues: They can do anything. (they can use the chat)
    • Local Agent: Can only provide pick-up details and report Pickup/Drop-off containers and upload documents (they can not see the terms or the partner)
    • Attendant: They can only upload documents (they can not see the terms or the partner)
  • Visitors need to identify themselves when they open the deal. We store their details and suggest them when sharing another deal.
  • Members can always see who was invited and who has visited the deal.

Why is this useful? 

If you have a local office, an agent, or other third-party operators that you want to involve in a deal, you can now share the deal with them. You can find the "Share deal" button next to the leasing ID in every leasing deal (Please note that you can't share a deal that is already declined). 

After you click on it, the window below will appear, and you can define who to share the deal with and what instructions to give. For example:

  • First, fill out the email of the agent or colleague you would like to share the leasing deal to.

  • After ticking on the box ⬆️ Give instructions or send a message 
  • You can tick the options that apply or write a specific message in the box below.
  • After you are done send the message through the option Send Invite

  • They will then receive an email with a link on how to access the deal.
  • Note that they will only get access to this specific deal and not anything else on the platform.
  • If they have the role "Colleague", they will now get all the same emails as you get about this specific deal and will be able to interact with the deal as well as write in the chat, and update release references and container statuses, without having a user account.
  •  More details can be found in the main article about release references.


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